Thursday, September 11, 2008

Chance for Extra Credit: Voter Registration Drive at Reynolds

Freshman Writing classes have a number of attitudes we hope our students will adopt alongside of the skill set we teach. We want to encourage students to take risks with their writing and thinking. We want students to challenge what they hear and read, even what we say. We try to teach them charity, patience, and perserverance in their writing, reading, and research. However, the most important attitudes we teach are:

1) Learning to have confidence in one's self as a reader and writer.

2) Using this confidence to foster an interest and participation in public and profession discourse.

In short, part of what we do is try to help you become a better citizen by getting used to being informed, thinking critically, and participating in civic debate.

This year is an election year. I will offer five points of extra credit to any student who registers to vote, takes the time to discuss the election on the class discussion lists, and votes. As always, the rules of a reasoned, civic discourse will apply, but I have no problem with your practicing the rhetorical skills you are learning on this topic.

I do have a candidate of choice, but I'm old fashioned in my politics. As long as my fellow citizens have a reasoned opinion backed up with sufficient evidence, I will respect them for taking the time to become informed, participating in civic debate, and for the confidence they show in--as Lincoln said--"doing the work of the Republic." I will not, however, participate in the debate. I think it would be unfair to take a public position within a class discussion.

A copy of a voter registration card and the discussion itself will act as your evidence to claim this extra credit.

Finally, to make getting registered easier, see the information below on a voter registrationd drive currently underway at each of the Reynolds campuses.

The Student Council Association of JSRCC will be coordinating a Voter Registration Drive next week on all 3 campuses. Student Council officers will be sitting at tables in the cafeteria/commons areas of all 3 campuses at various times throughout the week (beginning the morning of Tuesday, September 16) with the necessary resources for our students to register to vote in preparation for the November presidential election. PLEASE ENCOURAGE OUR STUDENTS TO VISIT THESE TABLES AND REGISTER TO VOTE.

The FINAL day of the Voter Registration Drive is Friday, September 19.

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